Game Win Condition(s) |
Defeat Saddler, cure yourself of the virus, and
escape the island by Jet Ski before it blows up
Game Lose Condition (s) |
Leon dies or Ashley dies |
Other important gameplay objectives |
Keep Ashley and yourself safe |
What the player can do and interact with |
Use all 23 weapons, move backwards and forwards,
turn left, right, and spin backwards, climb up
and drop down, use ziplines, ladders, and
levers, go through doors and windows, melee the
enemies if you successfully staggered them, and
pick up items.
What the game can do and interact with |
Move enemies toward you and attack you |
Important Game Actors |
The Merchant, Leon, Ashley, Ada, Luis, Village,
Castle, and Soldier Ganados, Dr. Salvador, Del
Lago, El Gigantes, Colmillos, The Bella Sisters,
Bitores Mendes, Garrador, Armadura, Novistador,
Verdugo, Ramon Salazar, J.J., U-3, Jack Krauser,
Regenerator, Iron Maiden (not the band), and
Osmund Saddler
Core Gameplay Situation(s) |
You are being attacked and you must defend
yourself, You and Ashley are being attacked and
you must defend the two of you, Ashley has to do
a task and you must defend her, fighting a boss,
Exploration, navigating briefcase/store menu,
solving puzzles, escape sequence, QTEs, and a
section where you must defend yourself while
playing as ashley.
Primary Gameplay Loop |
Enter an area, fight off enemies while
protecting Ashley and yourself, search the area
after all enemies are dead, continue to the next
Core Gameplay Punishments |
If you or ashley die or ashley is captured you
must return to the last time you managed to save
your progress at a typewriter.
Core Gameplay Rewards |
Money, Items to sell to the Merchant, or Items
needed to progress